On November 15, 2001, the first Xbox console was released. Along with the console came the game Halo: Combat Evolved. People loved the game, but they thought it could be better. Their hopes were met with the second console, the Xbox 360.
On November 13, 1985, Mount Ruiz in Colombia erupted, destroying the nearby town of Armeno. volcano killed around 20,000 people in that town. It caused lahars that flowed for about 60 miles. A lahar is a flow of debris and mud. It flows down hills and anything that gets in its path will stick with it for the rest of it's journey.

Depending on how steep the hill is, lahars can reach up to 120 mph. They can be as hot as 120 to 150 degrees farenheit! It is said that a city near Pompeii was destroyed by a lahar when mount Vesvius erupted.
(below) A city in Indonesia destroyed by a Lahar
