On your right, you will see the National Museum of Natural History. Where the Hope diamond is placed and where so many fossils live. We will be seeing what are the people's opinions on the Museum and the bus; however, that's the last part. We will see first what is in that Museum.
The bus ride to the Museum
Once we got to the bus, the sixth graders like Layan, Bahar, Sana, Ziyad, and Zayd Hassan went straight to the back. After the sixth graders were set then the eighth graders came and took the front seats. First 10 minutes of class the eighth-grade boys were playing Uno and a few people were reading and one kid was sleeping. Then later on the ride, the sixth graders in the back Zayd Hassan, Ziyad, Layan, Bahar, and Sana were taking photos. Later on the bus, I think Serene and someone else were singing wheels on the bus go round and round, they also rounded everyone up, and they were all singing. Mr. Hesham wanted to make a video but everyone went in hiding. Later on the bus, nothing really happens after that. However, once people saw the monument of DC they were getting so excited. 5 minutes later we arrived at the National Museum of African American History, and the driver dropped off the eighth graders. They had their lunch outside, and we had lunch on the bus.
Experience at the Museum
We went to a few of the parts of the Museum. Some examples I could give are Genome Unlocking Life's Code, Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals, Hall of Mammals, Mega-toothed Shark, Objects of Wonder, Q? rius room, and the fossil hall. I literally gave you every part we went to. First, we went to the Fossil hall and saw many types of fossils. There were videos explaining stuff like how the dinosaurs died or how can we tell it is a fossil. Next, we went to the fossil lab where we saw scientists doing different experiments with the fossils. I think next the group went to the marine life section. There wasn`t much to see there besides the mosasaur's fossil. After we went to the Q? rius room, we were finding fossils in a box with a bunch of rocks. Then we watched 3 videos about pollen. After that w got the answer for the fossils. Lastly, we got a paper about animals, plants, and ecosystems. Once we finished that we prayed dhur. Next, we took a photo then we left. After that happened we went upstairs and found an ape taking a selfie of himself. People got amazed by this and then they started to take a photo with the ape. Next, we went to the gem and minerals and saw many types of stones gems and minerals. (of course, we are going to see gems and minerals because we are in the gems and minerals section.) Then we went to see the hope diamond. It has 45.52 carts. Then the teachers decided to go to the gems and minerals gift shop. Many people brought stuff like crystal necklaces, rocks, and other jewelry. After that, we went to the dinosaur's gift shop many people brought items for their siblings or parents. later we looked at the Africa Exhibit. Then lastly we did reflection.
The bus ride back to school
Once we got on the bus we picked up the eighth graders and the bus, Many people went back to what they were doing like eighth graders were playing Uno. Other people were singing children's songs. The teachers were saying 20 minutes away but we were actually 30 minutes away. There was so much traffic that we arrived at 4:00.
